Tarantino and Fellini: huge dance scenes in cold and hot

Two film greats, Federico Fellini and Quentin Tarantino, have two spectacular scenes that many moviegoers see as reasonable similarities.

Let's look at the spectacular twist scene in Tarantino's Pulp Fiction:

Pulp Fiction - Dance Scene (HQ)

and the dance scene in 'Otto e mezzo' also known as 'Fellini ocho y medio' is not far behind:

Fellini's 8 1/2 | Dance scene

According to Tarantino it is not a reasonable resemblance on purpose nor is it inspired by 'Otto e mezzo' since he had never seen Fellini's film before 'Pulp Fiction'.

They're two great movies, with two great dance scenes. In Fellini's the protagonists give off more heat, and in Tarantino's they give off the coldness between both dancers in the context of the film's story.